Booking Your Trip
- When are payments due?
- How do we pay by credit card?
- How do we pay by business check?
- When and how do you send us our tickets?
- How do I get discounted or free admission as a Title 1 school?
- Do chaperones receive free admission?
Preparing For Arrival (Groups)
- What is the cost and location for bus parking?
- What is the cost and location for parking a personal vehicle?
- Where do we go when we arrive?
- Can we purchase tickets at the box office?
- What if I need first aid or have a lost child?
- Where should I meet my group at the end of the day?
Group Lunches
- Where can my group eat onsite?
- Are we allowed to bring our own lunch?
- Where do I pick up our Boxed Lunches or Zoo Dining Dollars?
- When can I pick up our Boxed Lunches or Zoo Dining Dollars?
- Can I get a refund for my Boxed Lunches or Zoo Dining Dollars?
- Can I reschedule my Boxed Lunches or Zoo Dining Dollars?